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The Full Story


Tanmayo embarked on her yoga journey in the 1970s, studying Sanskrit and dance in Paris. Her path took a transformative turn in 1976 when she was initiated into meditation and self-realization by Osho. Over the years, she has received guidance and empowerment from a diverse array of spiritual teachers, including Goenka (Vipassana, 1978, India), Tony Robbins (Fire Walk, Beverly Hills, 1984), Patthabi Jois (Yoga Intensive, Maui, 1987), Amma (Hug, Maui, 1991), Gangaji (Satsang, Maui, 1995), Amma & Bhagwan (Deeksha-giver Training, 2008), and Prem Baba (Ceremonies, Maui, 2011-2016).



In 1995, Tanmayo was informally welcomed into the Dolphin Pod by Joan Ocean (The Dolphin Connection) in the Sacred Hawaiian Portal—a place where she has been guided to hold retreats since 1996.


During this period, Tanmayo was also learning from her Hawaiian massage teacher, Auntie Margaret, and establishing herself as a massage therapist on Maui. She went on to raise a family, cultivate a vibrant food forest, and develop a permaculture center.

Tanmayo's journey also led her to join a performing Hula Halau and become a respected lomilomi teacher.



To date, Tanmayo has led over 60 retreats with wild dolphins, achieving a 100% success rate in creating respectful and sensitive interactions between humans and dolphins. Her approach emphasizes creating a resonant field to invite dolphins to approach rather than pursuing them.


Participants in her retreats frequently report profound, spontaneous healing on multiple levels. For Tanmayo, these encounters have been life-changing, deepening her yoga practice and integrating compassion and fluidity into her work.

"Dolphins are conscious breathers, much like yogis. They connect with higher realms of consciousness effortlessly, mastering telepathy and group cohesion. Their teachings on selflessness, love, and joy illuminate divine attributes that we can all aspire to embody."


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